Saturday, September 12, 2009

A (Hopefully Brief) Hiatus.

I know I promised you pub crawl and pre-PAX dinner, but I'm going to deviate from the regularly scheduled programming somewhat (hey, the blog is called Lies and Balderdash, right?).

I just wanted to give everyone fair warning that I'm about to drop of the face of the planet for a little while.

Tonight is the night where I have to finish packing up all of the little things that I've left out and been using on a regular basis, so I can finally have everything packed. Unfortunately this means both my 360 and my computer (which wouldn't be such a problem if my laptop weren't so broken, but whatever) are going away. Even more unfortunate is the fact that I have no idea when we'll have internet at my house after we move in, so short of some unsuspecting, unsecured wireless next door I'll be completely off the grid for an indefinite period of time. My cell phone will be the only means of electronic communication by which people can reach me, which is good I suppose, because that's what cell phones are for, but regardless being without a steady connection to the internet will be positively maddening. It's very possible I'll wind up on the floor twitching and muttering something about "the javagoogles".

Sitting here posting this I get a distinct sort of "last night on Earth" feel, both because this is likely to be my last communique with the online world in a while, and because in less than 12 hours I'm fucking moving out. My life is currently taking up maybe 20 square feet of space in my parent's garage, boxed up nicely to be transported to the next big step in it. It is at once both terrifying and exhilarating.

Like most things in my life, Randall Munroe manages to put it much more eloquently than I do, and with stick figures to boot:

I guess tomorrow I'm an adult, officially? I certainly don't feel any different.

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